This morning my husband was home from work and I wanted to make him something special for breakfast. Which is how I cam up with this concoction, my bodacious morning burrito!. This is not your typical burrito, but one that is full of healthful and delicious flavor that will perk up anyone's morning. Enjoy!
Pico de gallo
2 chopped tomatoes
1 lime (juice only)
1 half sweet onion
4 chopped up jalapeno's from the jar
5 sprigs of cilantro
salt and pepper to taste.
Add all ingredients together in bowl mix and enjoy!
I cup of egg whites
1tsp Greek yogurt
Pico de gallo
2 pieces of chopped and cooked turkey bacon ( I bake mine @ 500 degrees for about 10 minutes)
1 half of an avocado (chopped)
Pinch of queso fresco
2 chopped bulbs of chives
1 whole wheat burrito
Cook egg whites on medium heat for about for about 7-10 minutes until egg whites are firm. Mean while take your burrito and add the following: Greek yogurt on the bottom portion of the burrito. Take cooked egg whites and place them on top of the Greek yogurt. Then add your chopped turkey bacon, pico de gallo and avocado, fold burrito and place on top chopped chives and a pinch of queso fresco cheese Happy eating!!